Oil Analysis
What's in Your Oil?
When it comes to compressed air systems a complete understanding of your lubricant is key to avoiding unnecessary oil changes and costly mechanical failures. We understand that dependability is a must when your compressor plays an integral role throughout your plant. Which is why proudly offer our Oil Analysis Program FREE of charge to help you maximize your uptime. Identifying and measuring over 30 lubricant characteristics our oil analysis is your first line of defense against compressor downtime.
Performed by an independent laboratory, all of our oil analysis reports include:
- Viscosity: Detects contamination or degradation in your compressor oil.
- TAN: (Total Acid Number): Monitors oil oxidation, corrosive acid contamination or potential mechanical problems.
- Additives: Detects the addition of incompatible make-up oil.
- Wear Metals: Monitors machinery health and schedule routine maintenance before failure occurs.
- Water Content: Detects high moisture content and emulsification issues.
Our Oil Analysis Kit Couldn't Be Easier to Use
Each Analysis Kit Includes:
- Oil Sample Forms to identify your compressor and oil information.
- Sample Bottle for your used oil sample.
Analysis Report Includes:
- An individualized report that identifying over 30 oil characteristics
- A short oil analysis guide to help you understand your test results
- Valuable trending data that can help you detect hidden symptoms of future system failure.
- Long-and short-term trends that indicate equipment degradation long before resulting in unexpected downtime.
- Maintenance recommendations and expert advice based on your individualized report.
In about a week after sending us your oil sample, you will receive an easy-to-understand, e-mail report and analysis guide explaining your results. If you have any questions about your analysis results, give us a call at 877-422-1717. One of our compressor experts will be happy to discuss your results and help you determine your next steps.
Need a sampling kit? We’d be more than happy to ship you one, free of charge.
Just send us an email: parts@industrialairpower.com
We look forward to helping you understand what’s in your oil!