Minimize Maintenance Costs with POWERSOLV


POWERSOLV minimizes the problems and high maintenance costs caused by the formation of varnish, sludge and carbon deposits in your rotary screw compressor oil. POWERSOLV is a high performance lubricant additive that removes and suspends these contaminants while the compressor is in operation. POWERSOLV cleans wherever the compressor has oil flowing through it, including oil coolers, oil lines, filter housings, oil stop valves, airend housings & rotors. POWERSOLV eliminates the need for disassembling the compressor for cleaning. 
For best results, use POWERSOLV before each lubricant change. POWERSOLV is available in 1 gallon bottles, 5 gallon pails & 55 gallon drums. How To Use POWERSOLV in Rotary Screw & Rotary Vane Compressors: Add one gallon of POWERSOLV to every ten gallons of compressor oil in the unit, first draining enough oil to allow the addition of POWERSOLV. Run the compressor as usual for 40 to 60 hours, allowing the treated oil to disperse and suspend the varnish. To avoid re-depositing the suspended contaminants, drain the oil while warm and replace filters. Refill with fresh oil and take an oil sample after 100 hours. 

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