Humidity vs. Dew Point, Finding the Balance
Finding the balance between humidity and dew point is crucial for the operation of any air compressor system.
Dew Point
Dew point is the temperature that water vapor in compressed air changes from a vapor to a liquid. Most of us know this as dew, condensation, or in a compressed air system as compressor condensate. The more the air temp drops below the dew point, its capacity to hold moisture also drops causing water vapor to condense. Dew point is determined by a correlation between air temperature and dryness.
Humidity in its most basic form is moisture. Air compressor humidity is the amount of moisture in the air compared to the maximum amount it can hold at a given temperature. The higher the temperature of the air, the more water vapor it can hold. When the air reaches its maximum moisture-holding capacity, it is said to be at 100% relative humidity, or its saturation point. When air is compressed the temperature of the air increases. The higher the air temperature, the higher the capacity to hold moisture. As air cools, the less moisture it can hold. This is when the condensation happens.
Although condensation is a naturally occurring process, it wreaks havoc on a compressor over time and can drastically shorten equipment life. The longer compressor components are exposed to condensate, the more likely they will become damaged.
Damage Prevention
Preventing damage from compressor condensate isn’t complicated. In many cases, equipping a compressor with an air dryer is the ideal solution. Air dryers do exactly what the name suggests—they remove moisture from the air ensuring it is dry enough to prevent condensation.
Knowing the dew point of the compressed air is key in determining the effectiveness of any air dryer. The air dryer must be able to lower the dew point of the compressed air below the lowest temperature that the compressed air will experience.
Finding the balance between air humidity and dew point is the key to ensuring the longevity of any air compressor system.
Air dryers are available in a variety of sizes, types, and applications based on your compressor needs. Shop our full line of air dryers including Cycling Refrigerated, Non-Cycling Refrigerated, Desiccant and High Temp. Please feel free to contact us directly to find the right solution for your compressor condensate.