Are you Ready for the EPA?
Posted by IAP on 01/10/2025
Did you know that under the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 279, it is unlawful to dump water mixed with oil in Sewer Drains? This means that the condensate that is discharged from your compressor system can create big problems if left untreated. Moreover, the legal limits can vary from area to area, although most at minimum adhere to the limits set by the State and Federal Resource Conservation Recovery Acts and Clean Water Acts. As such, y
ou have two legal choices for properly disposing of oily compressor condensate.
1. Pay a licensed contractor to pick up and dispose of your compressor condensate -- an extremely expensive ongoing expense.
2. Purchase an oil/water separator from Industrial Air Power - the simplest and most economical solution for oily compressor condensate disposal.
IAP's units have achieved water effluents containing less than 15 ppm of oil with most compressor oils. In addition, the units have no moving parts which make them virtually maintenance free. We use three different separation methods for superior results.